Business strategy used to be run independently, but our clients have urged us to adopt it into our regular practice.

The negotiation skills and broad legal aptitude of  Josep Duran, paired with the technical knowledge of Josep Maria Marcos have led to the creation of a legal- and business-advice team to accompany clients along the processes of creation, consolidation and development of a project or enterprise.

The activity axes of this department include collective agreement negotiation, expansion, fusion and takeover, the creation of companies with their own business plans, comprehensive legal support, marketing, coordination of relationships between the enterprise and the public administration.

The fact that Duran and Marcos are professionally immersed in the alimentary unit in Barcelona, Mercabarna, adds more value to their knowledge.

In order to offer comprehensive services to clients, we have established several collaborations with highly-regarded professionals at the fiscal and accounting areas, risks assurance, urban planning, and a lot more.

Service in the creation, development and consolidation of a company.